
செப்ரெம்பர் 30, 2007

Srilanka supports Ram Sethu

A view is gaining currency in Sri Lanka, particularly in Buddhist circles that the country should support the call emanating in from India for the protection and preservation of Ram Sethu – the historical rock bridge also called by Westerners as Adam’s Bridge – linking the island with India.



As Sri Lankan journalist Ananth Palakidnar says,” There is no India without Krishna and Rama and it could be very well mentioned though the country consisted of several ethnicities with more than 20 languages spoken, the names Krishna and Rama are household names among over 90 percent people in the Indian sub-continent.” (Friday Sept 21-27, 2007 ).

It is unfortunate that some Tamil Nadu politicians do not seem to appreciate the appeal of Rama and Krishna within and beyond India. This is a good opportunity for the Buddhists of Sri Lanka to show empathy and express solidarity with India’s Hindus on a matter that which is charged with emotion and spirit that also a touches a sensitive cord in Sri Lanka .

As a participant in the popular Sinhala television discussion program Doramandalawa,asked recently, “What’s wrong if people worship the sun, moon and trees as gods?”



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